Start Earning From Your Crypto Traffic Today!
Jumpstart you earnings
With the best incentives in the industry, MrPaul Exchange is one of the most respected and preferred crypto exchanges. Due to our attractive offers, promotions, and market-leading resources for traders, our partners see a major uplift in new user sessions, engagement, and conversions, resulting in consistent payouts to your site thanks to our powerful crypto cpa network. Engage and monetize your traffic by becoming an affiliate partner with the most competitive commissions in the industry!
How it works?
Create your account in seconds and gain access to all features, promotional materials, and tracking assets.
Promote MrPaul Exchange with your personal partner link on a website, blog, social media, newsletter, etc.
Every time a client passes qualified trading conditions, you’ll earn a commission with your preferred payment plan.
There are now over 68 million crypto traders, and the number is growing. Because of this, MrPaul Exchange affiliates see higher engagement and reliable income streams.
Choose between 2 types of collaboration: a CPA plan or revenue sharing program.
Your personal affiliate manager will show you how to get the highest conversion rates to monetize your traffic and provide support for all inquiries.
Multilingual, high-converting banners, landing pages, and other marketing materials for success.
You’ll receive rewards and payments with the most convenient payment method for you.
You’ll be able to monitor and track traffic with unique insights to capitalize from.
Become a Affiliate Partner Here!
Promoting MrPaul Exchange Is Easy!
MrPaul Exchange - the all-in-one platform to invest in crypto. Buy, store, trade, exchange, learn and earn crypto with a single tap.
Advanced crypto trading
Low and fair commission with up to a 300x multiplier with unique tools to manage risk and leverage returns.
50K Demo
All users have access to a demo account with 50,000 USDT in credits to practice trading.
Free education
Users can access webinars, courses, and live trading demonstrations for free!
Multi-currency wallets
Designed for seamless and secure investing. Users can easily buy, exchange and hold major crypto 24/7.
Trading signals
Users receive the top analyst recommendations in one click. These signals provide the latest developments related to trades
In-app Bitcoin mining
Users can mine BTC from the app without risk to battery life and CPU space through our international servers
Exclusive and Unique Perks for Users
Sponsorships with major teams like Lazio to give you exclusive sports offers and unique fan opportunities. These include a Champions League trip, access to VIP boxes, and more!
Start Earning Now
MrPaul Exchange crypto affiliates will receive fixed commission for each qualified trader (up to $1200 USD!)
A combination of the 2 types of available commission structures, or any other tailor-made payment plan variations.
Receive up to 35% of the gross revenue (spread) each time a client makes a trade!